Online Teaching

Teaching online is a significant commitment and SBCC offers over 25% of our courses online every semester. We are very fortunate to have the Faculty Resource Center (FRC) and their skilled and knowledgable staff. They are your go-to resource for anything distance education. In addition to the FRC, we have several programs and courses that can assist you on being a great online teacher. For example, we've had the ALI, Humanizing Technology course, Crossroads training, and dozens of regular and ongoing workshops from the FRC. 

FRC workshops are listed in our Flex Dashboard for Professional Development. In addition, they have dozens of pre-recorded trainings and workshops on the FRC Tutorial page.

Teaching online at SBCC requires that you use Canvas. Every course created in the class schedule has a class shell created in Canvas. In order to be eligible to teach online for SBCC, both the course and instructor must be approved as outlined in the Distance Education AP 4105.