Current Fees

Every effort is made at SBCC to provide a high quality education at a reasonable cost.  All fees listed are subject to change at any point during the year. Refer to the current SBCC catalog for more detailed fee and tuition information on courses.   If fees change for a semester after you have registered, you will be refunded or billed the difference.  Select the drop down for your residency category to view the fees associated with your enrollment. 
California Residents
Enrollment Fee (per unit) $46.00 $46.00  $46.00 
Health Fee $22.00 $27.00 $27.00
Student Representation Fee $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
Student Activity Pass - $8.00 $8.00
Transportation (Bus Pass) - Enrolled 6+ units           $23.00 $32.00 $32.00
Transportation (Bus Pass) Enrolled under 6 units      $23.00 $31.00 $31.00

Non-Resident Students   

Enrollment Fee (per unit) $46.00 $46.00  $46.00 
Non-Resident Tuition (per unit) $361.00 $371.00 $371.00
Non-Resident Tuition Capital Outlay Fee (per unit) $22.00 $22.00 $22.00
Health Fee $22.00 $27.00 $27.00
Student Representation Fee $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
Student Activity Pass - $8.00 $8.00
Transportation (Bus Pass) - Enrolled 6+ units $23.00 $32.00 $32.00
Transportation (Bus Pass) - Enrolled less than 6 units $23.00 $31.00 $31.00
International Students


Enrollment Fee (per unit) $46.00 $46.00 $46.00
International Tuition (per unit) $361.00 $371.00 $371.00
International Tuition Capital Outlay Fee  (per unit) $22.00 $22.00 $22.00
International Health Insurance $353.00 TBD TBD
Health Fee $22.00 $27.00 $27.00
Student Representation  $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
Student Activity Pass - $8.00 $8.00
Transportation (Bus Pass) - Enrolled 6+ units $23.00 $32.00 $32.00
Transportation (Bus Pass) - Enrolled less than 6 units $23.00 $31.00 $31.00
Application Processing Fee $75.00 $75.00 $75.00
This is a required fee to all eligible students and may not be opted out.  The fee is refundable with any full semester drop within the 'add/drop for a full refund' deadline.
Students meeting the following criteria will be charged the mandatory Transportation Fee, which allows for unlimited ridership on Santa Barbara's MTD bus system.   
Note: In response to operational challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, MTD did not charge fares to the public during the 2020-2021 school year.  As a result, SBCC waived the Mandatory Transportation Fee for all registered students. MTD resumed sales in time for Summer sessions and SBCC resumed charging the fee to provide students unlimited ridership during their enrolled terms.   
Effective Fall 2021, students meeting either or both of the following criteria will be charged the Mandatory Transportations Fee:
  • Students enrolled in at least one on-campus course
  • Students residing within the District (course may be either on campus or online)
The fee will resume for all registrations in Spring 2023 semester, at a cost of $75.00, per application.
The fee will increase for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.  Summer fees are increased due to the combined Summer I and Summer II sessions.  The fee has increased $24 for the two combined sessions, to the new fee of $324.00 for the single summer sessions. The new semester is Fall and Spring fees increased $50 from $810 up to the new amount of $860.00.
The fees will increase for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. 
  • Tuition: Fall and Spring fees increased $32 from $319 up to the new amount of $351.00.
  • Capital Outlay: Fall and Spring fees increased $4 from $18 up to the new amount of $22.00.

For more information on the individual fees, please review the following detailed list of mandatory student fees:

All students, resident and non-residents, must pay an enrollment fee of $46.00 per unit with no maximum amount.  Refer to the fees section, down below, or the current SBCC catalog for more detailed fee and tuition information on courses. All fees listed are subject to change at any point during the catalog year. Costs for books, supplies, housing and other tangible materials are not included in the costs listed here.  

California residency status, for tuition purposes, is based on residency requirements established by the State of California, and determined by the Admissions & Record's Office upon admission to the College.  Students who qualify for a resident status can apply for a change at Admissions & Records (see Reclassification Packet).

  • California Residents: If you need help paying the enrollment fee, you may qualify for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), formerly known as the Board of Governors Grant Waiver (BOGW). Apply in the Financial Aid Office (SS-210) before enrolling classes.
  • Out of State Students: Exemption from nonresident tuition is available to certain nonresident students who attended high school in California for at least three years and received a California high school diploma or its equivalent (AB 540). Contact Office of Admissions & Records for more information.
  • International Students: International Students may have additional fees.  See international website for more details.

Non-Resident Tuition applies to both domestic and international students who do not qualify as California Residents.  The non-resident tuition fees, in addition to the enrollment fee and capital outlay fee, are all charged on a per-unit basis. For details on the fee exception per AB9 47.  Other exemptions for non-resident tuition may apply, such as:

  1. High school in California for at least three years and received a California high school diploma or its equivalent (AB 540). Contact the Office of Admissions and Records for more information.
  2. Some Veteran's and Dependents.  Please visit the Veterans Support and Resource Center for more information on qualifications and certification.
International Students may have additional fees; visit the  International Student Site for more details. 
This fee is not new.  In the past semesters, this fee has been included in your tuition as an overall fee.  Effective Summer II, 2020, SBCC is separating this fee out from your tuition fee for greater transparency in the fees you are paying.  
Per Ed Code §76141, the capital outlay fee is per semester unit for students, who are residents of other states, who are foreign nationals or who have taken legal residence in California for less than one year. 
Santa Barbara Community College District exempts the following: dual enrollment students taking courses at their local high schools, incarcerated students, apprentices, and dependent children and surviving spouses of members of the California National Guard who are killed or permanently disabled while in the active service of the state.  The District also exempts any student who depends exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination or organization.  Completion of a waiver, including officially documented evidence of such an affiliation is required.  If you need an exemption form, please contact the Cashiers Office.  
Per Ed Code §76355, the Health Fee is approved by the Board of Trustees to be charged to all students enrolled in credit courses, including courses taken on campus, off campus courses and online courses.  Many health and wellness services are available free or at low cost through the Health and Wellness Office (SS-170) or through Ask A Nurse
All enrolled students meeting the eligibility criteria are assessed the mandatory Transportation Bus Pass fee.  Those excluded are those taking online only classes and residing from outside the District.  The fee may not be opted out of, and is only refundable if all courses are dropped within the refund deadline listed on your "My Class Schedule & Bill"  for the semester.  Students are assessed the Transportation Bus Pass fee based on their address.  Any changes to an address made after your course's add/drop date will not be eligible for a refund.
Eligibility Criteria:
    • Students enrolled in at least one on-campus course
    • Students residing within the District (course may be either on campus or online)
If you received a notice stating that you will be dropped for non-payment of fees, doublecheck your student account to ensure whether you have any unpaid charges. If the transportation pass was added to your account after you paid, you may still be dropped for nonpayment.
The semester transportation bus fee is currently posting to student accounts up to one hour after you have registered. Monitor your student account to ensure you have been charged appropriately and paid your fees. 
Bus Passes are not available for sale to non-eligible students. 
Per Ed Code §76361, all students meeting the criteria are required to pay the Transportation Bus Pass fee and may ride the Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) bus seven days a week. Beginning one week prior to the start of the semester, students ride by "swiping" their student ID when boarding the bus, with the exception of the Waterfront Shuttle. If your semester fees, including your Transportation Bus Pass fee has not been paid, you will not be eligible to use your pass on the bus.  If you have paid your mandatory fees and your card is not functioning, please visit the Office of Student Life (CC-217). 
Exemptions from this fee are provided for religious, political, financial or moral reasons.  You may opt out of this fee during the registration process on the campus portal within the first two weeks of the semester. No refunds will be processed after this date.
Topt out, go to the home page of the campus portal, click “Pay My Bill”, choose the semester, Click “Submit”, under Student Body Fees click “to view details”, click the “opt out” button, and then return back to the account detail page. The amount will reflect the updated balance.
Per Ed Code §76060, this fee supports student representatives who state positions/viewpoints before city, county, and district governments, and before offices/agencies of city, state, and federal governments.  It was made possible by Assembly Bill 1358 and was voted and approved by the student body of Santa Barbara City College.  

Exemptions from this fee are provided for religious, political, financial or moral reasons.  You may opt out of this fee during the registration process on the campus portal within the first two weeks of the semester. No refunds will be processed after this date.

Topt out, go to the home page of the campus portal, click “Pay My Bill”, choose the semester, Click “Submit”, under Student Body Fees click “to view details”, click the “opt out” button, and then return back to the account detail page. The amount will reflect the updated balance.
Per Student Fee Handbook 4.4, this fee is only assessed to students registering for an on-campus class.  The Pass provides free admission to all men's home football and men's and women's home basketball games (regular season only), as well as select campus theatre and music events. It is also good for clothing discounts in the Campus Bookstore and for discounts at selected businesses in the community. Proceeds from this pass support Student Activities including Associated Student Government Initiatives, President's Honor Roll Reception, Outstanding Student Awards Reception, and Commencement.  
Per Ed Code §76365, some courses require additional fees for materials and/or supplies.  Please consult the class schedule; all such fees will listed in under "special fees".  Payment of these fees are due at the time of registration.  For an exemption from your course material fee, please contact the Cashiers Office.
Applying is free! 
In Spring 2023, SBCC will resume charging pre-pandemic application processing fee of $75.

For more information on the individual fees, please review the following detailed list of optional student fees:

Per Ed Code Section §76370, persons approved to audit a course shall be charged a fee, to be determined by Admissions & Records . The fee amount shall be adjusted proportionally based upon the term length. 
Per Student Fee Handbook 4.4, the CampusCards are provided, free of charge, to all enrolled students at SBCC and are issued in the Office of Student Life.  Obtaining a CampusCard is optional but recommended. All students must have a valid CampusCard to use the following services: MTD Bus, Library Check-outs, Open-access computer labs, Athletic events and college performances. Some local retailers, as well as theme parks, offer discounted tickets with your valid student identification card.  The CampusCard is also a cash card for making on campus transactions.  For more information on use of the cash card and on-campus discounts, see the CampusCard website
A replacement card will be issued twice before a fee is charged.  The replacement card fee is $3.00 and payable via your CampusCard.  Please visit your campus portal to add money to your card. 
  • First Card = Free
  • Replacement Card 1 = Free
  • Replacement Card 2 = Free
  • Replacement Card 3 or more = $3 each card
Per Ed Code §76360, students who choose to purchase a parking permit are entitled to park a car in campus lots designated for students. Parking permits do not guarantee a parking spot.  After completing your registration, you can purchase a parking permit through your campus portal when available for purchase.  Parking permits must be displayed per the instructions on the permit. Parking without a valid permit or using a voided permit will result in your vehicle being cited or towed.
  • Cardholder Dispute Handling Fee = $25
Available Passes for Purchase
Day and Evening Access (7AM - 11PM)
Evening Only Access (3PM - 11PM)
CCPG Discounted Permit: All Day and Evening Access (7AM - 11PM)
CCPG Discounted Permit: Evening Only Access (3PM - 11PM)
For specific details on where to park, as well as information about available Electric Vehicle charging stations, carpooling, student incentive programs and alternative forms of transportation, please visit the Campus Safety Department's Parking and Traffic Information website

Please visit for the most up-to-date prices and information on how to order a transcript. 

  • First Diploma = Free
  • Duplicate = $20
  • Returned check or ACH = $30
  • Returned Credit, Debit and Prepaid card payment = $30
Plans are available on an optional basis during Fall and Spring terms for account balances greater than $276. Plans are not loans and do not incur finance fees. 
  • Nelnet charges a non refundable enrollment fee of $25 per plan, per term.
  • Any declined payments due to insufficient funds or otherwise will be charged $30 by Nelnet. 
  • Enrollment fee refunds are charged a refund processing fee of $10, one time per semester, from a student’s enrollment fee refund..
  • Classes cancelled by the college will not be charged the $10 refund processing fee.
  • Refunds are not automatic.  Visit to complete a 4-question request form.
  • Refunds are issued by Direct Deposit, if elected, and all others by USPS to the address listed on your student campus portal.

Prior Year Enrollment, Tuition and Mandatory Fee rates: