Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

These items are excerpts of Board Policies and Administrative Procedures, adopted by SBCC and approved by the Board of Trustees of the Santa Barbara Community College District.  All Board Policies & Administrative Procedures may be viewed in their entirety at this link.

Topics addressed are:

 I understand that Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) uses campus email as the official method of communication, and that I am responsible for reading the e-mails I receive from SBCC on a timely basis.

 I understand that I am responsible for keeping SBCC records up to date with my current physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers by logging into the campus portal and reviewing the “Personal Information” tab. I understand that my campus account will not be closed after leaving SBCC and it is my responsibility to maintain updated contact information and review email notifications for purposes of continued communication regarding any amounts that remain due and owing to SBCC.

I understand SBCC does not send bills.  I am responsible for monitoring my "Schedule and Bill" through my self-service campus portal.  I am responsible for viewing and paying my student account within seven calendar days of registration, and any new charges immediately upon receipt. I further understand that failure to review my Schedule/Bill does not constitute a valid reason for not paying my bill on time.

When I register for any class at SBCC or receive any service from SBCC I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees and other associated costs. I further understand that my registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 USC §523(a)(8)) in which SBCC is providing me educational services, deferring some or all of my payment obligation for those services, and I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date).

I understand that if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule on my official enrollment/balance due at the campus portal (click on “My Class Schedule and Bill”). I further understand that my failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve me of my financial responsibility.

I understand that aid described as “estimated” on my Financial Aid Award does not represent actual or guaranteed payment, but is an estimate of the aid I may receive.

I understand that my Financial Aid Award is contingent upon my continued attendance in each class upon which my aid eligibility was calculated. If I drop any class before completion, I understand that my eligibility may decrease and some or all of the financial aid awarded may be revoked.

If some or all of my financial aid is revoked because I dropped or failed to attend class, I agree to repay all revoked aid that was disbursed to my account and resulted in a credit balance that was refunded to me.

 I understand that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing SBCC by the scheduled due date, SBCC will place a financial hold on my student account, preventing me from registering for future classes, or receiving my diploma.
I understand refunds are not automatic. Credit on my student account will be applied to future registrations unless a written request is received for a refund (by Direct Deposit or check by mail). 
I understand that administrative, clerical or technical billing errors do not absolve me of my financial responsibility to pay the correct amount of tuition, fees and other associated financial obligations assessed as a result of my registration at SBCC.

If a payment made to my student account is returned by the bank for any reason, I agree to repay the original amount of the payment plus a returned payment fee of $30.00. This fee will be assessed for any returns/cancellations of payments issued by credit cards, personal and business checks, bank wires, and Flywire payments. 

I understand that multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement I sign with SBCC may result in a Financial Hold placed on my account.  

I understand that SBCC is bound by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act  (FERPA) which prohibits SBCC from releasing any information from my education record to anyone without my written permission.

I agree to provide my Social Security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN) to SBCC upon registration as required by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for Form 1098-T reporting purposes. If I fail to provide my SSN or TIN, I agree to pay any and all IRS fines assessed as a result of my missing SSN/TIN. Information regarding this penalty may be found on the IRS website.

I consent to receive my annual IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, electronically from SBCC, through the campus self-service portal

I understand and accept that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing SBCC by the scheduled due date, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, SBCC may refer my delinquent account to a collection agency. I further agree to forgo a USPS mailed notification prior to the account being reported to the collection agency. I understand this may result in my delinquent account being reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.