
Fiscal Services coordinates the Fiscal Year Budget to establish expenditure budgets for the District's expected annual revenues, manages the  general fund, and other special funds, and records the actual revenues and expenditures. Over the course of an academic year, assigned Budget Owners coordinate the planning, execution and delivery of their programs.  General Maintenance activities include updating budget ownership, reallocating budgets and correcting mis-coded expenses. 

Fiscal Services works closely with our Purchasing Department to procure and deliver goods and services to the campus. We encourage Budget Owner's to review the District's procurement policy and procedures before making any purchases.  In addition, Accounts Payable assures the timely payment of district obligations for the payment of contractors services, vendor products, and payments to students that are unrelated to their student account, such as Requests for Student Reimbursements. 

The District provides a purchasing card to employees for efficient resource optimization.   In the event an employee needs to be reimbursed for a District-approved purchase, or will incur costs associated with Travel & Conference, the District provides an ability to receive reimbursement in advance of, or after the fact. 

Refer to the list below for current procedures.  Note:  Some procedures have been updated and are noted below.  Many forms have been discontinued; most requests may now be submitted directly into the Fiscal Services Portal and the Concur Expense Tool. Submit any questions to a Fiscal Services Team Member through the FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL, under General Questions.

Budget Codes (FOAPAL)

Full budget codes are required for all transactions and inquiries. 

    • The Funding Source; each fund is kept separate and has its own fund balance
    • Required for all budget codes
    • Examples are the Unrestricted General Fund where the fund is the first set of numbers in the thread: 
      • 11000 Fund -4212 Org -521000 Account -672000 Program
    • District Funds are those that begin with a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and all activities require the budget owner's approval.
    • Trust & Auxiliary and Club Funds are those that begin with a 7 and 8.  All activities require a Signature Card and two authorized signers.
    • Your Department (Cost Center) numbers are used to designate each area of instruction or operation
    • Required for all budget codes
    • Examples are Fiscal Services (4212) and Athletics (1406) where the ORG is the second set of numbers in a thread:
      • 11000 Fund - 4212 ORGANIZATION - 521000 Account - 672000 Program
    • The expenditure or revenue classification category of an item or a service
    • Required for all budget codes
    • Example is non-instructional supplies (451000):
      • 11000 Fund - 4212 Org - 451000 ACCOUNT - 672000 Program
    • A code for instructional or operations functions related to an academic discipline or a grouping of services
    • Required for all budget codes
    • Examples are Fiscal Services Org 4212 uses Fiscal Services Program 672000
      • 11000 Fund - 4212 Org - 451000 Account - 672000 PROGRAM
    • A code used for tracking specific expenses and revenue sources for reporting purposes
      • 11000 Fund - 4212 Org - 451000 Account - 6720000 Program - FY24 ACTIVITY
    • Only use as assigned
    • A code used for tracking specific expenses and revenue sources for reporting purposes
      • 11000 Fund - 4212 Org - 451000 Acct - 6720000 Prog - FY24 activity - FYA24 LOCATION
    • Only use as assigned
Training & Resources

Accounting Procedures

Budget Ownership necessitates changes across several platforms within Fiscal Services.  In order for all transactions to continue uninterrupted, submit a request in advance of the effective date. 

    • Consider whether user needs access to, or training in, Fiscal Services tools
    • Transactions submitted into Concur prior to Budget Owner changes can not be re-routed; proxy access is required for new budget owner access over the prior Budget Owners' pending Concur reports.
    • Trust & Auxiliary Funds must have a Signature Card update complete in advance of Budget Owner updates. 

Budgets transfers are needed when a Budget Owner makes strategic changes to their program plans which necessitates changes in planned spending.  Budget Owners initiate a reallocation of their current budgeted allocations to fund the expenditures in their updated program plans.  Restrictions apply; all Budget Transfers are regulated by AP 6250.

    1. Budgets are allocated by Fund, Org, Account, and Program.  Sometimes Activity Codes and Locations Codes are allocated budget. 
    2. Budgets are managed by Budget Owners and the budget code is used to classify program expenditures. 
    3. Budgets may be reclassified under several conditions:
      1. Budget Transfers are regulated by BPAP 6250. 
      2. Standard transfers happen between accounts and under the same Org and Fund.
      3. All accounts are grouped by their first digit, and is called the Major Object. Read more about understanding budgets here. 
      4. Budget transfers within one major objects may be approved by the Budget Owner
      5. Budget transfers between two or more major objects, requires Board of Trustee approval.
      6. Budget transfers between Funds and Orgs may be transferred under the guidelines specific to the Fund Group. 

To Initiate your request: FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL 8 Budget Transfer Request
    • Submit your request directly on the Fiscal Services Portal.  If you would like to use a paper form, you may complete the old paper form and attach to your Budget Request ticket in the Fiscal Services Portal. 

Need additional budget?   

    1. Requests for new budgets should be directed to your Vice President. 
    2. All requests for new budget that are not associated with new revenues (new grant funding, etc) will require approval by the Board of Trustees.

Deliver most checks and cash to the Cashier's Office, located in the Student Services Building - SS150

    1. Student Account Payments - include student ID (K#)
    2. Retiree Payments - include employee ID (K#)
    3. Child Care Payments - include student-parent's ID (K#)
    4. Deposit to a District Budget - include full budget code for deposit, customer/vendor ID (K#) if applicable
    5. Deposits to Trusts, Clubs and Auxiliary - include full budget code for deposit and name of fund/club

Direct the following payment types to the instructed location.

    1. CNA Testing Payments: Deliver checks to the Regional Health Occupation Resource Center located in the ECOC -1 Building - Rm 10.
    2. Continuing Education: Deliver checks to the Wake Campus Registrar's Office.

Donations to the District, Auxiliaries and Clubs.

    1. The college does not accept donations directlySanta Barbara City College Foundation is an independent 501c3 non-profit organization and partner to SBCC. Any donation checks made payable to SBCC will be returned. Donation checks made payable to SBCC Foundation will be delivered to our Foundation. Learn more here.

An expense made or charged to one account that needs to be transferred to another account is called an Expense Transfer.  

    1. Expenses are managed by Budget Owners and the budget code is used to classify program expenditures. 
    2. Each expenses is assigned a full budget code: Fund, Org, Account, and Program.  Sometimes Activity Codes and Locations Codes are allocated budget. 
    3. Budget must be available in advance of incurring/reclassifying any expenses, and budget reallocation may be needed when correcting/transferring expenses. 

To initiate your expense transfer, go to the FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL 8 Expense Transfer / Reclassification

    • Submit your request directly on the Fiscal Services Portal.  
    • To complete a request, you will need to identify the expense and provide the new budget code.  The Budget Owner over the NEW budget will need to authorize the request.
    • For supporting documentation, we recommend screenshots or hyperlinks from your Simpler Reports. 
    • If you would like to use a paper form, you may complete the old paper form and attach to your Expense Transfer Request ticket in the Fiscal Services Portal. 

The SBCC Foundation has provided Santa Barbara City College with private philanthropic support since 1976, serving as the vehicle through which individuals and organizations may invest in the college and its students. As an independent  501c3 nonprofit organization and partner to SBCC, the SBCC Foundation provides more than $5 million annually for student success programs, scholarships, book grants, emergency funds, and other critical needs of the college.

In order to utilize funding for pre-approved expenditures, the following forms may be used to request access and transfers from the Foundation to the District . 

    1. Foundation Transfer Request Form
    2. Workflow Instructions to Transfer Funds from the Foundation to the District

Visit the Trust & Auxiliary dedicated webpage for information on Foundation funding and transfer. 

Accounts Payable Procedures

Accounts Payable to Pay a Vendor, Consultants and Students (no employees) 
    1. Submitted invoices must contain the following information in order to be processed:
        • Itemized invoice that specifies the amount and service/good that was received;
        • Full Budget code or the PO# that identifies where invoice should be charged; 
        • Budget owner approvals, if not included in original submission, will be routed to the appropriate individuals for review 
        • Fully compliant with District Purchasing guidelines, such as PO's required for all purchases exceeding $10k.
    2. Key items of note:
        • SBCC pays our vendors by Net 30 Terms.
        • Accounts Payable processing time is up to two weeks.
        • We encourage all Vendors to register for electronic payments. 
    3. Go here for detailed instructions on submitting invoices for payment through Accounts Payable on the Fiscal Services Portal.
    4. Skip straight ahead and submit your invoice now! Go here FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL 8 Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable to Pay a Student 

SBCC pays students for different purposes.    

    1. Requests for Student Reimbursements, Student Stipends, and Emergency Grants are submitted on the Fiscal Services Portal, under the Accounts Payable tab. Request types include:
      • Student Travel
      • Pre-Authorized Purchases Students Made on Behalf of District (for Department, Club, ASG, etc)
      • Meal Money
      • Mileage Claim Reimbursement (must complete and attach this Student Mileage Claim Worksheet.
    2. Requests involving student employment, such as Federal Work Study, should be directed to the Human Resources or Payroll Departments.
    3. All Financial Aid-related requests that impact a student's account should be directed to Financial Aid Department or to the Student Finance Department.

To Initiate a Request for Student Reimbursement, go to:

FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL 8 Accounts Payable (Reimbursements, Grants) to Students

8 Request for Student Reimbursement is for Travel, Purchases, Meals and Mileage.

8 Request for Stipends, Grants or Awards is to issue non-financial aid funding to students.

SBCC's preferred method to issue payments and refunds is through direct deposit, also called ACH, which is an electronic transfer of funds from SBCC to the vendor/student bank account. 

    • Employees (student, hourly, permanent) are encouraged to register to receive employment-related (salary and benefits only) payments by electronic Direct Deposit here.
    • Vendors, Students, and Employees are encouraged to register to receive their vendor, financial aid, Concur reimbursements, and all other non-salary-related payments by electronic Direct Deposit (prinatable form linked here). 

In the event an individual does not have Direct Deposit, nor a secure mailing address, arrangements may be made for in-person check pickup.

    1. Pickup available during established office hours. 
    2. Requests to hold check for pickup must be made in advance to Accounts Payable (before checks are mailed) by noting in the original request.   
    3. Checks may not be picked up by a third party (an individual other than check recipient).
    4. A valid photo ID (CampusCard, Drivers License, Government Approved ID) is required for pickup.
    • Before any purchase, review budgets to confirm availability of funds.
    • Follow the Procurement process as specified by the Purchasing Department (homepage here).
      • Is your purchase greater than $10,000? 
      • Does your purchase include capital assets (i.e equipment)?
      • Do you need a Requisition?  Purchase Order? 
    • Ensure the Vendor is established in the system. (established a K#)
    • Select a method of payment. 
      1. For small purchases and recurring charges: 
        1. The District encourages the use of District credit cards for small wares and for recurring monthly charges.
      2. For large purchase items and contracts:
        1. The District encourages all Vendor payments to be issued through ACH.   
        2. Submit invoice for payment through the Accounts Payable process on the Fiscal Services Portal. 

Employee Reimbursement Procedures


    1. Employees are not paid through Accounts Payable under any circumstances.
    2. For payments related to Salary and Benefits, contact Human Resources, the Payroll Department or your Supervisor.
    3. For payments related to Faculty Stipends, contact to Office of Academic Affairs (here).
    4. For payments related to reimbursing an employee are submitted into CONCUR and include, but are not limited to:
        • Mileage Claims for local, District approved travel
        • Travel & Conference
        • Reimbursement for pre-approved purchases made with personal funds for a District approved good or services and now requires reimbursement.  
      1. In CONCUR, employees must select between one of two reports:
        • Travel Policy - Used for your Travel and Conference only.  Do not use this form if you are claiming "and to be reimbursed for an expense you paid on behalf of a third party (student, other employee) for their Travel & Conference and other expenses.
        • District Credit Card Policy - Use for District Credit Card Charges, for Employee Reimbursement not related to Travel and Conference, for Local Mileage Claims and to be reimbursed for an expense you paid on behalf of a third party (student, other employee) for their Travel & Conference and other expenses.
    • All out of pocket cash expenses (with original receipts) will be reimbursed.
    • When original receipts are lost or unavailable, complete the Missing Receipts Certification Form (instructions here).
    • Submit all Employee requests for reimbursement into the Concur platform. on self-service pipeline

    • Reimbursements to Students are processed through the Fiscal Services Portal, under Requests for Student Reimbursements.  Visit this page for more information.  
    • Mileage Rate $0.70 per mile effective January 1, 2025.  The 2024 mileage rate was $0.67 per mile 
    • SBCC mileage reimbursement rate coincides with IRS handbook rules.
    • All mileage begins and ends at place of employment. All mileage must be pre-approved by your supervisor. 
    • For Employees:

Original receipts are required for every transaction submitted to Fiscal Services.  Auditors require original receipts. and authorize electronic submission into Concur, Fiscal Services Portal, and otherwise are authorized when legible, itemized and complete.   

If you have lost or did not receive a receipt, complete Missing Receipts Certification Form

    • For any transaction missing the required itemized receipt, complete and attach this form to certify the purchases listed were made for legal school district purposes only. 
    • Cash payments without receipts will not be reimbursed. 
    • This form is meant to be used for the occasional occurrence of a lost receipt. The District retains the right to disapprove requests Repeated use of the form may result  will jeopardize your right to hold a District Card and ability to be reimbursed.

Travel & Conference Procedures

Instructions:   for advance authorization for Travel and Conference.  

      1. Submit the new Employee Travel & Conference Request Form to your Direct Supervisor/VP for pre-approval at least 30 days in advance of travel. 
      2. Verify budget is available for travel expenses. Use the Meal Per Diem Calculator to assist with budget preparation. 
      3. Verify credit line needed.  Submit a request for Credit Card Limit adjustments, if necessary, through the FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL, under Credit Card Requests.
      4. Attach the agenda and collect authorized signatures before making travel arrangements. 
      5. Retain the approved Employee Travel & Conference Request Form until you have returned from travel.
    1. When traveling, enjoy your conference! 
      1. Obtain itemized receipts for all travel expenses including taxis, shuttles, and parking.
      2. Record names of any travel partners if you have paid for a share of their expense(s).
      3. Monitor your bills/receipts for added "tips" and "donations" beyond what you authorized.
    2. Within 30 days of travel, submit your Travel & Conference Expense Report into the Concur Expense Tool.
      1. Attaching completed and signed Travel Request Form.
      2. Attach a copy of your agenda.
      3. Attach all itemized receipts.  If you are missing any receipts, complete a Missing Receipt Affadavit.

In CONCUR, employees must select between one of two reports:  
    • Travel Policy - Used for your Travel and Conference only.  Do not use this form if you are claiming to be reimbursed for an expense you paid on behalf of a third party (student, other employee) for their Travel & Conference and other expenses.
    • District Credit Card Policy - Use for District Credit Card Charges, for Employee Reimbursement (not related to Travel and Conference), for Local Mileage Claims and to be reimbursed for an expense you paid on behalf of a third party (student, other employee) for their Travel & Conference and other expenses.
  2025 Rates: 2024 Rates:   


  • Per Meal - Breakfast - $18
  • Per Meal - Lunch - $23
  • Per Meal - Dinner - $47
  • (Daily Total $88)
  • Per Meal - Breakfast - $17
  • Per Meal - Lunch - $18
  • Per Meal - Dinner - $34
  • (Daily Total $69)

8 Use this Meal Per Diem Calculator to budget for your upcoming Trip!

    • Meals that are provided by the conference are not eligible for reimbursement. 
    • Agendas are the required attachment for per diem requests in Concur.
    • For each trip, an employee may select either flat rate reimbursements or claim actual meal costs. We do not provide an option for interchangeable reimbursement types per conference/trip. You may select a different reimbursement type on future trips. 
    • For meal actual costs, receipts are required.  Reimbursement value caps as the per diem equivalent meal rate. Any costs exceeding the per diem maximum will not be reimbursed.
    • For Meal Per Diems, not receipts are necessary
    • Alcohol is not reimbursable.
    • Record the employee name on the receipt when paying for any additional employee/travel companions.
    • Reasonable tips are reimbursable up to 20%.
    • Reasonable Delivery Charges are reimbursable.
    • Donations added to Meal, Delivery, and any other invoice, are not reimbursable, and is the responsibility of the traveler.

Mileage  for Travel & Conference

    • $ 0.70 per mile in Calendar Year 2025  (Effective January 1, 2025, the rate increased 3 cents)
    • $ 0.67 per mile in Calendar Year 2024

Watch a 6 minute How-To Video to enter Mileage Reimbursement Claims for District-approved use of your Personal Vehicle.

    • District policy prohibits reimbursement for movies, personal phone calls, alcoholic beverages. Employees are responsible for reimbursing the district (SBCC) for unauthorized expenses.
    • Obtain itemized receipts for all travel expenses including taxis, shuttles, and parking.
    • All out of pocket cash expenses (with original receipts) will be reimbursed via Concur.  If you have lost or did not receive a receipt, complete Missing Receipts Certification Form

Watch a 5 minute How-To Video to enter Personal Expense Claims

Under certain circumstances, a single expense may need to be broken out into two separate budget codes. 

    • For example, a hotel bill for two rooms and one is a certificated employee and one was a classified employee.  To enter this transaction and accurately allocate the expense to both classified travel account and the certificated travel account, you will need to "split" the expense. 

Watch a 5 minute How-To Video to split an expense across multiple budget codes

Notes to guide Approving Officials through the review process.

    1. Verify all receipts are included, legible and fully itemized. 
    2. Verify all expenditures were pre-approved and consistent with District Policy.  
      • Audit all receipts for non-reimbursable items (i.e. tips, movies, alcoholic beverages, personal phone calls). Employee is responsible for reimbursing the District for unauthorized expenses.
      • Review meal claims to ensure conference-provided meals are not duplicated with per diem requests.  When claiming actual expenses (as opposed to per diem), review the receipts to ensure claimed amount does not exceed the maximum meal allocation per established per diem rates.  Employees are responsible for costs exceeding the stated maximum.
      • For any expenses claimed on behalf of third party, ensure third party's are listed.  (For example, hotel room secured and paid for by one person for two employee rooms.  Claim must include other employees' name.)
    3. Verify the budget code used is appropriate, ensuring account number accurately matches the item. 

District Credit Card Procedures

In CONCUR, employees must select between one of two reports:  

    • Travel Policy - Used for your Travel and Conference only.  Do not use this form if you are claiming "and to be reimbursed for an expense you paid on behalf of a third party (student, other employee) for their Travel & Conference and other expenses. 
    • District Credit Card Policy - Use for District Credit Card Charges, for Employee Reimbursement (not related to Travel and Conference), for Local Mileage Claims and to be reimbursed for an expense you paid on behalf of a third party (student, other employee) for their Travel & Conference and other expenses.

The purposes of using District Credit Cards include:

    • The District issues credit cards to employees whenever there is sufficient benefit to the District.
    • Reducing net processing costs, especially for small dollar transactions, while streamlining and maintaining accounting and reporting controls.
    • Supporting vendors and improving relations for vendors preferring credit card payment.
    • In order to expedite the purchase and accounting of low cost and frequently needed items.

This procedure is applicable to all employees of Santa Barbara City College who receive a District Credit Card. District Credit Cards are issued to designated employees at the discretion of management and can be revoked at any time for any reason.

It is the responsibility of both the employee and the employee’s manager to ensure compliance with all procedures.  Expense Statements will be audited by the Finance department internal auditors, and may be subject to examination by outside auditor.  The card will be revoked for the following reasons:

    • The card is used for personal or unauthorized purposes.
    • The card is used to purchase alcoholic beverages or any substance, material, or service which violates policy, law, or regulation pertaining to the District.
    • The cardholder splits a purchase to circumvent a purchase limit assigned to the card.
    • The cardholder uses another cardholder's card to circumvent a purchase limit assigned to either cardholder.
    • The cardholder accepts a personal gratuity from a vendor.
    • The cardholder fails to provide the approving official with information about any specific purchase.
    • The cardholder fails to provide documentation confirming that charges are approved by the 14th of the month following the close of the billing cycle more than one time in any 12 month period.  The first instance will result in a 60 day suspension of all card privileges.  The card will be revoked if the statement is late another time in a twelve month period.
    • The cardholder fails to provide accounting with the complete account information necessary to record a purchase appropriately. The complete account information consists of a 5 digit Fund Code, a 4 digit Organization Code, a 6 digit Account Code, and a 6 digit Program Code, an Activity and or Location Code may also be require
    • The cardholder does not adhere to any of the procurement card policy and procedure

The credit card is the property of the bank, and it may at any time revoke card privileges under the provisions of its policies and procedures.

Fully Approved Expense reports are due in Concur by the 10th of the month.  

    1. Submit your statements to into the Concur queue by the 8th of the month to ensure the budget owner(s) associated with your expense has time to review and approve, in order to be delivered to Accounting on time
    2. Statements are not "complete" until all budget owners have approved the report.  Only after the report is fully complete does it post to our General Ledger.
    3. If you are not going to be available to process your statement, you must work with your supervisor to set up a delegate in Concur. This is especially important at the end of a quarter and fiscal year (September, December, March and June) when quarterly reports are due to the Board of Trustees. 
    4. If you are not going to be able to process your credit card statement, please refrain from using it. 
    5. District card privileges may be suspended or revoked at any time.

Original receipts for every transaction are to be electronically submitted through Concur.  Auditors require original receipts. 

For meals, you must tender the itemized meal receipt (not just the credit card signature slip). If you have lost or did not receive a receipt you must fill out a Missing Receipts Affidavit in Concur.  However, this form is meant to be used for the occasional occurrence of a lost receipt. Repeated use of the form will jeopardize your right to hold a District Card.

Prohibited expenses include cash advances, consultants, personal services, personal (non-SBCC related) expenses, capital outlay purchases (such as computer equipment, and alcohol). Such purchases must be repaid to the college and are grounds for corrective action up to and including permanent card suspension and termination.

Mileage incurred locally, as part of your District-approved business would be entered into a District Credit Card Policy Expense Report.  

    • Mileage Rate $0.70 per mile effective January 1, 2025.  The 20234mileage rate was $0.67 per mile 
    • SBCC mileage reimbursement rate coincides with IRS handbook rules.
    • All mileage begins and ends at place of employment.
    • All mileage must be pre-approved by your supervisor. 
    • Employees may go directly to Concur to claim mileage reimbursement. No "Receipt" is required on the District Credit Card Policy for mileage claims. 
    • View step by step instructions to create your Mileage Claim here. 

Each charge needs the following information:

    • Fund Number (a 5-digit or 6-digit number (e.g. 12245) which references the source of funding, i.e. the fund that the money is coming out of to cover the expense)
    • Org/Cost Center Number (a four-digit number (e.g.  4074) that references the Cost Center to which the expense is being attributed )
    • Account Code (the account code is not needed on the Concur report as it has been replaced by an expense description)
    • Program Code  (a six-digit number (e.g. 601000) that references specific programs 
    • Activity Number (optional, usually only used by Athletics or Facilities Departments) 
    • Expense Type (replaces account code)

Common expense types are: Instructional Supplies, Non-Instructional Supplies, Printing/Duplicating, Travel/Conference, Meeting Expense, Memberships, Other Contracts, Campus Events, (For IT only: Computer Equip; Instructional Computer Equip).


Expenses reports are reviewed and approved on an item by item basis.  Therefore, each expense incurred will route to the specific budget owner of which the expense was coded.  If you have 10diffferent budget codes, then you'll have 10 different approvers.  All items must be approved before a report is completed and posts to our General Ledger. 

Per each expense item, the following approvals are required :

    1. the budget owners's approval, and 
    2. (For Trust, Auxiliary and Club Funds only, a secondary authorized signer as determined on the Signature Card); and
    3. a separate approval from the budget manager's supervisor. 

If the budget manager is submitting the report, only their supervisor's approval will be required.  The expense report is not considered complete until all of the receipts and appropriate approvals have been obtained.  

Assigning Delegates

Approvers may assign a delegate to oversee their approval queue for any period of time.  Delegates are set up by the Approver granting access to their queue. 

    1. Go to the Avatar in the upper right of your Concur screen and click on Profile Settings.
    2. In Profile Settings, select "Expense Delegates".
    3. Select "Add" and find your chosen delegate from the list of employees, and click on them in the dropdown menu.
    4. Select each box associated with the permissions (access rights) to grant the delegate
    5. Save.

District Credit Cards are issued to designated employees at the discretion of management for the purpose of streamlining operations, increasing flexibility and reducing net processing costs.    

The standard limit provided to District employees is $500 single purchase limit and $1,000 monthly purchase limit. Budget Owners may request alternative limits for their employees based on their specific programs' planned expenditures and needs.  Employees are encouraged to monitor their spending in order to ensure funds are available when needed. 

    1. Single Purchase Limit
    2. Monthly Transaction limit 
    3. Requested Amount of Temporary increase
    4. Effective & End dates of temporary increase
    5. Canceling cardholder privileges
    6. Request will be routed to the approving manager (Organization's Budget Owner) for approval before increase has been made. 

Plan ahead!  Allow up to five business days for changes to go into effect. 

To initiate your a new card request, go to the FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL 8 Credit Card Requests

    • For new Credit Card Requests:
      1. Identify Daily and Monthly Transaction limits
      2. Requested Date for new District Credit Card
      3. Identify primary uses of District Credit Card
      4. Request will be routed to the approving manager (Organization's Budget Owner) for approval before increase has been made.
    • Plan ahead!  Allow up to two weeks for setup and shipping of new District Credit Card. 

Available for pickup during office hours. 

    1. Bring a photo ID (CampusCard, Drivers License, Government Approved ID)
    2. Credit Cards may not be picked up by a third party (an individual other than the cardholder).

To initiate your a credit limit change, go to the FISCAL SERVICES PORTAL 8 Credit Card Requests

    • For Credit Limit Change Requests:
      1. Identify single purchase limit needs
      2. Identify monthly total limits needs
      3. Identify timeline (Temporary or Permanent)
      4. For Temporary, include Effective & End dates of temporary increase
    • Request will be routed to the approving manager (Org's Budget Owner) for approval before increase has been made. 
    • Plan ahead!  Allow up to five business days for changes to go into effect. 

If you discover that your card has been used fraudulently or if your card is lost or stolen you will need to contact Customer Service at 800-344-5696

The Card Holder must make this call. US Bank (the credit card provider) will not allow anyone except the Card Holder to report fraudulent charges or to make changes to the name (in case of a name change). Note: The card is not tied to your personal Social Security number; it is connected to your K-number, so please have that on hand when calling the bank.

SBCC has a dedicated phone number tied to all credit cards.  The number that is associated with the credit card is: 805-730-8775. If you are calling US Bank for issues with your card, you will need this phone number.  Please do not change this telephone number.

Note: If you are traveling on SBCC business, particularly internationally, it is your responsibility to notify the bank prior to travel to avoid a false fraud hold on your card.

In the event a credit card holder has made a personal charge on their District card by accident, we will invoice the cardholder for those costs.  

    1. When submitting your District Expense Report, select "Personal Charges" as the expense type. 
    2. Accounting will bill you after the Expense Report has been fully approved. 
    3. The invoice will have an option to write a check, pay in person with cash at the Cashiers Office, SS-150, or pay online.
      1. Note: To pay online with credit card through your self services portal, go to pipeline and select the "Student" tab, "Pay my Schedule/Bill".
      2. Every employee should see the "Student" tab in Pipeline, regardless of whether you have been a student at SBCC in the past.  If you do not see a "Student" tab, kindly contact our IT Department with your name and Employee  ID (K#), requesting the "Student"" tab be enabled..  

Watch a 5 minute How-To Video to enter Personal Expense Claims

The Credit Card Use Agreement must be signed at the time of credit card receipt.  Failure to sign this form will result in your credit card being revoked.  

District Credit Cards are a privilege. We appreciate your diligence in adhering to these procedures as it facilitates the ongoing accessibility of this privilege.