Financial Aid / Scholarships
Book Grants
Transfer Achievement Program students are eligible to receive financial assistance with the cost of books. Book assistance is offered for the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Our selection criteria is as follows:
- Must be enrolled at SBCC
- Must have a clear goal to transfer
- Show progress in transfer goal
- Must be an active participant of TAP (attend semester follow-up appointments, TAP meetings, campust trips, & other related events.)
- Financial aid eligible
- Write a quality essay that effectively answers selected essay questions
Transfer Achievement Program students are also eligible for several scholarships. Scholarships searches can be explored by making an appointment with a TAP counselor or advisor. Current TAP students are eligible to apply for the Henry and Rose Gessner Scholarship during the SBCC Foundation Scholarship filing period (January 1 - March 2). Each year Henry and Rose Gessner provide two $500 awards to TAP students.
For additional scholarships information please explore these website specific to our ethnically underrepresented population:
Campus Location
Follow Us
Student Services Building
1st Floor - Room 140
(805) 965 -0581 ext. 4344