Measure P Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Watch Latest CBOC Meeting
For full schedule, agendas, and minutes visit our BoardDocs page


As required by California Education Code Section 15278-15282, the governing board of the community college shall establish and appoint members to an independent citizens' oversight committee, pursuant to section 15282. The purpose of the citizen's oversight committee shall be to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues.

All citizens' oversight committee meetings are open to the public.

Santa Barbara City College Measure P Bond Extension Program includes the November 2025 Measure P Bond Extension (of 2008 Measure V) authorizing $198,000,000 as defined in the original ballot language.

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CBOC Public Comment 

  • It is the obligation of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to provide an adequate forum within which the views of the public pertaining to any item of the business of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee can be expressed and heard.
  • Persons wishing to speak on an item appearing on the agenda may speak regarding their issues during the “Public Comment” section of the agenda or when the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is considering the item (Education Code 72121.5). Prior to being recognized by the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, a speaker must complete a request to speak form.
  • Persons wishing to speak on items that are not on the agenda may also speak on such issues during the “Public Comment” section of the agenda. The Committee, however, does not obligate itself to act upon any request or proposal presented at the time of the hearing of citizens and petitions except, if appropriate, for the item to be added to the agenda of a future meeting.
  • In the event that the Committee must schedule a Zoom meeting, or otherwise meet virtually, the Committee shall follow the law regarding public comment in place at the time.

The CBOC request that public speakers observe the rules below:

  • A person wishing to speak to the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee must fill out a request to speak form available at the meeting in person.
  • A member of the audience may speak only with the recognition of the Chair of the Committee.
  • Three minutes shall be allotted per speaker. At the discretion of the Chair of the Committee, time may be extended.
  • While the Committee respects the rights of the public to address the committee, and encourages public participation in its meetings, profanity, obscenity, and abusive or defamatory language can constitute cause for the Chair of the Committee to terminate discussion before the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. In the event of serious, willful or persistent disruption, the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee may order the meeting room cleared (Govt. Code 54957.9). Only matters appearing on the agenda may be considered in such a session. Representatives of the press or the news media, except those participating in the disturbance, shall be allowed to attend any session held pursuant to this section.

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