Strategic Planning

Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) seeks the public’s input as it moves forward with its strategic planning process to set goals and priorities for the next five years.

The development of a new strategic plan comes at a crucial time for the college, as schools across the country have seen significant changes in how students access higher education and conditions created by the pandemic have revealed a variety of student needs in and out of the classroom. SBCC wants to hear from its local students and community members their thoughts on how to best move forward and meet their needs. Draft goal areas are available in the below presentation.

SBCC Strategic Planning Fall 2022 In-Service Presentation

Following a series of public forums held over the summer throughout the county to allow local community members the opportunity to have their voices heard, the college continues to seek additional input from SBCC faculty, staff, and students.  A link to a new survey will soon be emailed out via campus email to allow for additional feedback for those interested.

The planning process is scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2022.