COREQUISITE: ERTH 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 122, 125, 126, 131, 132, 141, 151 or ENVS 115 or GEOG 101.

If you are currently enrolled or have taken any of the classes listed above, then you meet the corequisite, and you can register on line in any open section of the field course via Pipeline (no need for an add code).  If you have taken these classes or their equivalent at another school, then contact admissions to get credit for having taken these classes and to have the corequisite restriction removed.  If you have not taken any of the corequisite classes, then follow the instructions given below so that you can "test out" of the corequisite requirements and register for the class.


(without having had one of the corequisite classes):

All students without the corequisite MUST EMAIL ME their contact info (, is ENCOURAGED to meet with a geology tutor for an hour or two, and MUST PASS the Co-Requisite Quiz (described below) to go on the trip.

Web-based Preperation:
Review the "Self Study" web pages given below to prepare for a short corequisite quiz.

Corequisite tutors:
You are encouraged to meet with one of our Earth Science tutors for an hour or two in EBS-101.  Tutor schedule to be posted on the tutor lab door.

In the tutorial sessions, tutors will go over some important handouts with you (see "Topics of Study" below) and introduce some essential background material for those of you who do not meet the pre/co-requisites for the course (or for those who simply want to "brush up" on their background before the trip).  In short, we would like for you to have some basic background on (1) Rocks and the Rock Cycle, (2) Plate Tectonics, and (3) Geologic Time (see Topics of Study below).

Before being allowed to add, you must take the Co-Requisite quiz.  You may take the quiz with our department secretary Jan Anderson in EBS-114.  Students who do not pass this quiz will not be allowed to take this field course since they will not have the background needed for success.

Topics of Study:
Here are electronic versions of the handouts (bring these with you to the tutorial session): Plate Tectonics, Rock Types, Time Scale.

  1. Rocks and the Rock Cycle:
    What is a rock? Characteristics of felsic vs mafic rocks. How do igneous (plutonic/intrusive and volcanic/extrusive), sedimentary (clastic and non-clastic) and metamorphic rocks form? How does one rock type convert to another? What are the fundamental rock types in each category? Know the rock type category for each of the following: granite, rhyolite, andesite, basalt, conglomerate, sandstone, shale, limestone, gneiss, quartzite, and marble.
  2. Plate tectonics:
    Know the processes and features associated with the three main types of plate tectonic boundaries - Divergent, Convergent and Transform. Know the upper layers of the earth that are involved in plate tectonics (lithosphere and asthenosphere, oceanic and continental crust, and their characteristics).
  3. Geologic Time:
    You must learn the Eras, Periods, and Epochs of the Geologic time scale (names, not numbers). You will be quizzed on all of these the first morning of the trip. Know the Eras for the short quiz before the trip.



Plate tectonics:

  1. Earth Like a Puzzle:
    Go through all four pages and click the animations along the way (very cool interactive map on the third page).
  2. Plate Tectonics: the Mechanism:
    Read through this short summary on features of plate boundaries.
  3. This Dynamic Earth:
    Click through the different chapters in the "Table of Contents" shown.  Look for information on the three fundamental types of plate boundaries - Divergent, Convergent and Transform.

Geologic Time:

  1. Plate tectonic animation and Geologic Time:
    Watch this animation of plate tectonic motions.
  2. Detailed chart on Geologic Time:
    Click on each link to learn more about a particular time period.

The Rock Cycle:

  1. Wikipedia:
    Read through this to learn about different rock types and how they are formed.
  2. The Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks Classification Chart
    These are charts on rock types that we will use on the field trip.



To secure your spot, be sure to follow the "Corequisite Checklist" below.  In addition to the corequisite requirements, you must pay your registration fees, as well as the additional $140 lab fee, and attend the required pre-trip meeting to be eligible for the trip.

Follow the checklist below:

SBCC Field Trip Corequisite Checklist:

  1. Review the Field Trip Information Sheet posted on the trip web site to make sure this field course is for you.

  2. Email me your contact info ( and let me know that you wish to sign up for the trip but don't meet the corequisite for the course.

  3. Meet with one of the geology tutors for an hour or two (see schedule provided above).  Geology tutoring is held in EBS-101.  Here are electronic versions of the handouts to bring with you to the tutorial session: Plate Tectonics, Rock Types, Time Scale.

  4. Go see our department Secretary Jan Anderson in EBS-114 to take the Co-Requisite quiz.  You may do this any afternoon - but don't delay.  It is best to call ahead of time to confirm her hours.  She can be reached at 805-965-0581 x2315.

  5. You will be notified by email as to your quiz results.

  6. If you pass the quiz, you will be given a CRN and ADD CODE authorization.

  7. Register online and pay the $140 fee at the SBCC Cashier immediately (before you lose your spot to someone else).  You must bring proof of registration in ERTH-131 with you to the Cashier.

  8. Attend the orientation meeting and get packed to go!

Your spot on the trip is not secured until you have completed steps 1-7 indicated above!