Summer Field Courses
Earth 137-Introductory
Field Geology (3.2 units)
Will begin June 11- Monday. It goes each week from M-W-Th-8:30 AM to
Noon, Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the field. Students will be
introduced to Geological field mapping techniques by course work
activities in the lab (EBS 115) and field mapping in areas around Santa
Barbara on Fridays. Grade is by completion of lab exercises and field
mapping teams. Last day of this course is Tuesday, July 3rd (with a
required option on Friday, July 6 at field camp).
Earth 138- Geology Field Camp (4.3 units)
Will be 14 consecutive days at our field camp near Mt Abel (Cerro
Noreste) and Camp Condor (near Frazier Park) from Thursday, July 5
through Wednesday, July 18 and at SBCC from Thursday, July 19 to
Tuesday, July 24. All geology mapping projects in Earth 138 will be
conducted fully in the field in both the Ridge Basin and the Cuyama
Badlands. The entire projects will be team-oriented and the final
grades for Earth 138 will be the accumulated points by teams. Caution:
the Earth 138 course will NOT be around SBCC but held in areas in which
we will not be able to return back to Santa Barbara for the 14 days.
Scholarships will be available for the Earth 138 course. |